Timetable of activities and bookings available by 30th September
Fortis Green Kids’ Club offers holiday childcare for 4 - 12 year olds. Established in 1992, the club offers high standards of care, with a skilled and qualified staff team, creating a quality out-of-school provision that is welcoming, friendly and lots of fun.
Muswell hill Batist Church
Dukes Avenue
N10 2PT
Telephone: 07904570477
Opening times 9 am to 4 pm. Pick up by 4 pm.
The penalty charge for late pick up is £5 for the first 5 minutes, followed by £5 for each subsequent 5 minutes or part thereof.
£35 a day
Bookings can be made online only. Please go to https://bookings.fortisgreenkidsclub.org/Account/Login
Payment may be made by card or childcare vouchers only.
Only children in full-time education between 4-12 years (up to and including those in year 7) and whose parents/carers have booked may attend the scheme.
Bookings are not accepted without payment.
No refunds can be given for missed days. There is no cancellation for playscheme bookings.
All children a required to bring a packed lunch including a named water bottle.
All children a required to bring a packed lunch including a named water bottle. A light refreshment of biscuits and fruit squash will be offered once a day mid-morning, although we do not provide full meal services.
The scheme often involves walking to various parks and on trips so please ensure children wear comfortable footwear and have waterproof clothing. Often, park visits or art activities can be rather messy so best clothes are not advisable.
When registering for the playscheme, parents give their permission for their child(ren) to attend all visits e.g. to Ally Pally under the supervision and care of Fortis Green Kids’ Club staff. The club will adhere to OfSTED registration requirements for trips at all times. Playscheme staff, under the direction of the Senior Playleader, will make short-term and necessary decisions for the welfare of the children attending. By registering, parents give permission for their child(ren) to receive urgent medical treatment from qualified First Aiders, and give permission to seek any emergency medical advise or treatment if it is necessary. In the event of an emergency, every effort will be made to contact parents and other contacts named on the registration form.
Contact us
Tel: 07904570477 Francesca
Tel: 07898395437 Carolina